An Average Sunday
- Children gather with their parents in the body of the Church to sing the first hymn, hear the singing of the Kyrie & Gloria, and to hear the Collect for the Day.
- Then the children gather at the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where a short prayer is said before going downstairs.
- In the Parish Office, the children and parents sit on the carpeted floor and are greeted by the priest or helper leading the session. A song or hymn is then sung, followed by the telling of the story for the day.
- The story is told in a variety of ways, using drama, video/audio clips or Godly Play. Once the story has been told, the children are encouraged to inhabit the story, using their imagination to get inside it and explore its meaning and their reaction to it.
- We then move to the next room where specific art and craft activities have been laid out to help the children further explore the story for the day. There is usually one activity for the slightly younger children and one for the older primary age children.
- In addition there is a story corner where simple story books, games and toys are available for the very young.
- Following the crafts and activities, the children gather together again in the Parish Office, share their work and their thoughts, say the Lord’s Prayer together, and prepare to return to Church at the point where Communion is being administered.
- Sunday School lasts about 45 mins.
- Following the Sunday Service there are squash and biscuits for all.