Proclaiming Christ to Paddington so that all may come to know Christ’s love, warmth, and light in the life of his Church
Your generosity helps this Parish Church thrive! Please support our work of worship and service.
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To donate £1, text STJAM to 70201
To donate £3, text STJAM to 70331
To donate £5, text STJAM to 70970
To donate £10, text STJAM to 70191
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Standing Order
To set up a Standing Order to make a monthly gift to St James’s, email the Parish Office here
* Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see
Worship at St James’s
10.30am High Mass
5.00pm Evensong & Benediction
Certain Sundays
12.15am Family Mass
6pm Evening Prayer
6.30pm Mass
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
6.30pm Mass
9am Morning Prayer
12.30pm Mass
9am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer
6.30pm Mass
7am Morning Prayer
7.30am Mass
9am Morning Prayer
Worship at St James’s is offered in the Catholic Tradition of the Church of England; this means our worship is richly sacramental and devotional in character, centred on Christ in the Mass – the Eucharist or Holy Communion – the Sacrament of his Body and Blood.
Mass is celebrated each weekday at 6.30pm (lasting 30mins) and each Sunday morning at 10.30am (a fuller liturgy lasting 1 hr 10 mins). In addition, on certain Sundays in term-time, a Family Mass is celebrated at 12.15pm.
On Sundays, the Mass is enriched by strong preaching, fine sacred music, and the singing of traditional congregational hymns. After Mass there is always a convivial time of hospitality.
From our life of worship, Christ sends us out in mission to the world for which he suffered, died, and rose victorious over the grave.
Christ bids you come!

Urgent Appeal
Our community is a vibrant, hospitable, and welcoming home for many people and community groups – of Christian faith, other faiths, and of none – who view it as a vital part of their lives in this part of West London. Many migrants and asylum seekers have found a home with us, alongside people who have been worshipping with us for decades. We are truly a family of the nations. In the week after New Year, our beautiful post-war east window – known as the Te Deum window – was badly damaged by vandalism.
Over the course of five nights, an individual repeatedly attacked the church, damaging virtually every panel of the window. Some panels have been completely destroyed, others badly damaged. St James needs urgent help to make safe the windows, carry out replacement/repair work, and then protect them for the future through the installation of grilling. As a result of this hate crime, we are also looking to protect our beautiful and irreplaceable late 19th century stained glass windows.
We are looking to raise an initial amount £35,000 and we hope that you will respond generously to our appeal.